Section 4 - The kernel

Diarmuid O'Briain,
08-04-2014, version 2.0

Last updated: 11-05-2014 00:12

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  1. Introduction to the GNU/Linux Kernel
  2. The Linux kernel evolution
  3. Kernel Development
  4. Kernel Modules
  5. Configuration and compilation of the Kernel
  6. Patching the kernel

1. Introduction to the GNU/Linux Kernel

The Linux kernel dates back to 1991, when Linus Torvalds made it available to the community. It is one of the few operating systems (OS) that while extensively used, also makes its source code available. The kernel of the GNU/Linux system is the heart of the operating system. Its structure can be divided into a series of management components designed to:

In proprietary systems like Microsoft Windows, the kernel is hidden below the layers of the OS software and access is limited to registers via a Registry Utility. The Linux kernel offers an open source solution with the ensuing permissions for modifying, correcting, generating new versions and updates very quickly by anyone anywhere with the required knowledge for doing so.

2. The Linux kernel evolution

The Linux kernel evolution can be considered in terms of Source Lines of Code (SLOC). Starting with the initial versions having a couple of thousand lines to the current versions exceeding 15 billion SLOC.

Version Pub date Code ('000)
0.01 09-1991 10
1.0 03-1994 176
1.20 03-1995 311
2.0 06-1996 649
2.2 01-1999 1,800
2.4 01-2001 3,378
2.6 12-2003 5,930
2.6.29 04-2009 11,000,000
2.6.32 12-2009 12,600,000
2.6.35 08-2010 13,500,000
3.0 07-2011 13,000,000
3.6 10-2012 13,500,000
3.10 07-2013 15,900,000
3.14 03-2014 16,800,000

The following diagram gives a graphical representation of the growth of the kernel size based on lines of code.

The management of the Linux Kernel is vested in the Linux Foundation which counts Linus Torvalds the founder of Linux as one of its employees.

2.1. Kernel release types

In order to control Kernel releases they are classified under the following headings:

3. Kernel Development

As kernels move from the mainline into the stable category, two things can happen:

If the kernel version is marked EOL, consider upgrading to the next major version as there will be no more bugfixes provided for the kernel version.

3.1. Distribution kernels

Many Linux distributions provide their own longterm maintenance kernels that may or may not be based on those maintained by kernel developers. These kernel releases are not hosted at the kernel storage site and kernel developers can provide no support for them.

3.1.1. How to check the current Kernel

  $ uname -r

4. Kernel Modules

The Linux kernel incorporates a mechanism to load modules for certain functions on a need basis and they can be similarly unloaded when not required. These modules serve to extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. Without modules it would be necessary to build monolithic kernels and add new functionality directly into the kernel image. Besides having larger kernels, this has the disadvantage of requiring a rebuild and a reboot of the kernel each and every time new functionality is required. Here is a list of some of the more common modules on a typical Linux system.





4.1. List the modules on a system

You can see what modules are already loaded into the kernel by running the lsmod utility, which:

  $ lsmod
  Module                  Size  Used by
  arc4                   12608  0 
  ppp_mppe               13002  0 
  ppp_async              17413  0 
  crc_ccitt              12707  1 ppp_async
  pci_stub               12622  1 
  vboxpci                23194  0 
  vboxnetadp             25670  0 
  vboxnetflt             27613  0 
  ~~~~~                  ~~~~~  ~
  wmi                    19070  0 
  video                  19318  1 i915

4.2. Other Kernel module tools

5. Configuration and compilation of the Kernel

5.1. Download and untar the kernel

Download the latest stable kernel from the kernel storage site.

  $ cd /usr/src/
  $ sudo wget
  $ sudo tar -xzvf linux-3.14.tar.gz

5.2. libncurses and libncurses-devel

Install libncurses and libncurses-devel packages before going any further, these are essential to the menuconfig utility.

  $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev

5.3. Configure the kernel

Use the commandline make menuconfig utility to make the required selections.

  $ cd linux-3.14
  $ sudo make menuconfig

5.4. Compile the main kernel, modules and install modules

  $ sudo make
  $ sudo make modules

5.5. Install the kernel modules

$ sudo make modules_install

This wll create a directory named /lib/modules/3.14/ on the system.

5.6. Install the new kernel

$ sudo make install

As a result of this step the following files are created in the /boot directory. The GRUB bootloader grub.cfg will also be updated at the same time so a manual update of GRUB is unnecessary.

5.7. Reboot

The system must be rebooted to implement the newly compiled kernel. If during the boot a problem occurs with the new kernel, it is possible to select the old kernel from the grub menu and boot into the old kernel to troubleshoot. Confirm the kernel with the uname -r command once booted.

  $ sudo init 6 
  $ uname -r

5.8. Review the running kernel configuration options

  $ sudo cat /boot/config-`uname -r` > /tmp/kernel.config.txt
  $ cat /tmp/kernel.config-3.11.0-18-generic.txt
  # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
  # Linux/x86_64 3.11.0-18-generic Kernel Configuration
  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~ 
  # CONFIG_FONTS is not set

5.9. Debian Kernel

The Debian Kernel Handbook is a great resource when building or patching a kernel for the Debian distribution.

6. Patching the kernel

In some cases the application of patches to the kernel is common. The patch file in relation to the Linux kernel is an ASCII text file that contains the differences between the original source code and the new code, with additional information on file names and code lines. patch program is used to apply the patch to the tree of the kernel source code in /usr/src.

The patches are usually necessary when special hardware requires some modification of the kernel or some bugs have been detected subsequent to a wide distribution of a kernel version or else a new specific feature is to be added.

The patch is usually distributed in a compressed file of either bz2 (bunzip2), gzip .gz or LZMA .xz format, here is an example from v2.14:

Once the patch is ready it must be applied. This process is usually documented in a readme file that accompanies the patch, but generally the process follows the steps of decompressing the patch in the source files directory and applying it over the sources of the kernel, for example:

  $ cd /usr/src/linux-3.14
  $ sudo tar -xzvf patch-3.14.gz
  $ sudo patch -p1 -i patch-3.14  < or >   $ sudo patch -p1 < patch-3.14

Once the patch is applied the kernel will have to be recompiled in order to generate it again.

The patches can be obtained from the kernel storage site or from the repositories of the various Linux distributions.

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